I did not spend all last week sitting in front of the TV or napping after work, rather than doing laundry and cleaning my house! My house is very clean all the time! I would never be embarrassed to have company just drop over unannounced!
I did not wait up until 2:00 Saturday morning reading a book waiting for by husband to get home from work! I always go to bed early so that I can be well rested!
I did not sleep in until almost 11 on Saturday! I am never so lazy as to waste half the day in bed.
I did not decide on Saturday that it was better to go to the apple orchard, and out to dinner rather than working in the yard!
I did not forget to take the whole chicken out of the freezer so that I could make a home cooked dinner on Saturday!
I did not go to Sam's club on Saturday specifically to buy M&Ms for my daughter, because those are her favorite snack!
I did not forget to hand out the new schedule to the kids of kids choir, again!
I did not convince my husband that we should stop and pick up pop and chips on the way home from church yesterday! I never snack on junk food.
I did not lazily flop on the couch and watch TV all Sunday night rather than do laundry!
I did not leave all the clean laundry piled on the table in the basement rather than putting it away where it belongs! I always put our clothes away, rather than going to the basement each night to get clean clothes for the next day!
I did not look at the mess on my kitchen table and say I can take care of that Monday night!
I did not decide that a good snack last night for my daughter would be a donut from the orchard and a Gatorade followed up with some chips and chocolate milk! We always eat good food!
I am not so OCD that I already have the spring musical and Christmas musical ideas for kids choir at church already picked out for the next two years! No one is so obsessed to do something like that!
I did not put my sweet girl to bed last night without reading to her! I am a good mom, that reads to her every night before bed!
I did not decide to have a pop for my first drink this morning! I always drink lots of water!
What didn't you do this week!