Although I am no longer in the corporate world, I thought that this book would have great insight into life in general. We all have character flaws that not only impact how we relate to co-workers, but those same characteristics can also roll over to home, church, any organization that you may participate in. Derailed gives insight into how those character traits can make you or break you. The six executives that were profiled were not monsters of the corporate world, they were simply blinded by ambition and unable to see how their personality and in the long run character affected everyone around them. Everyday people can have the same character flaws, not necessarily ambition, but arrogance or many other flaws that prevent them from seeing how their behavior affects others. Tim Irwin presents the idea that those flaws are not necessarily setting you up for failure or derailment, but you have to be willing to see yourself beyond the end of your nose.
Derailed was an excellent book that I would highly recommend to anyone in leadership, but also to anyone who has to deal with others on a regular basis. Employees, church parishioners, moms and dads will benefit from the information found on those pages. It will make a person look in on themselves to see just how they interact with others and realize that the whole idea of being a bull in a china shop gets you nowhere. You get more bees with honey than vinegar, so we all need to soften our tone and think before we react. I personally gained knowledge into myself and will try to apply it to my everyday life. I am thankful that I received this free copy from Thomas Nelson for review. It was well worth the read!