Thursday, January 8, 2009

Prayer Request

As some of you may already know, on Tuesday I was informed that my office needs to let me go because of the bad economy. I would greatly appreciate all the prayer I can get. I need guidance to find the job that will help pay bills, but will allow me to be a greater presence in my family.

I was a little surprised with myself on Tuesday. I was not shocked when my office manager said they needed to let me go. I have until February 27th to find a new job or start collecting unemployment. If that is what it comes to, I will cherish the time home with my husband and daughter. I was also shocked at how calm I felt. God truly has his hands on me right now. I know that in the end everything will work out and that there is no reason to get all stressed right now. What an awesome God I serve that he can help me in such an odd, scary situation! God is Good ALL the time!


My Kids Mom said...

Praying for you! Let me know if y ou need anything!

Nichole Babin said...

Thanks Beth. Just trying to figure out my next move. I will definitely let you know if I or we need anything. I think we are ok for now, but you never know what is to come. This might be a total blessing to allow me to be home with Jacoba for awhile. We shall see.