Monday, January 5, 2009


Happy New Year Everyone!

We had a great New Year's Eve. We traveled across state to visit with my mom and step-dad. Of course, we ate lots and just enjoyed each other's company. We did not stay up too terrible late, which was a bummer to the kids, but it was still a good time. Over the last week, we played lots of games and definitely ate our fill and than some.

Saturday we attend my step-dad's family Christmas party. The kids love this event because Aunt Barb spoils the kids rotten! It kid gets a bag full of goodies. Each bag always has at least one clothing item and at least one book, but there are always plenty of toys as well! For the adults, it is just a good time together. We don't get to see each other, but twice a year because of the distance. Mom and Kevin see them a little more frequently, but they still enjoy the fellowship. It is always a blessing spending time with family that shares your faith. Unfortunately some of our other family events are not as enjoyable because those events have many non-Christians. Its sad when your own family looks down on you because they don't understand your faith. or they assume you are judging them because they don't share your faith.

Sunday we came home. It was nice to be home and able to relax a little bit before we started the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The time off from work and visiting with family was such a blessing. It left us refreshed and ready to start the New Year!

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